Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Licking the floor - again

Thought I'd let you know that Dad is at home again, but not without some alarms and excursions. He took another tumble at his home on Monday lunch time. Fortunately we were there and called the ambulance. He has done no damage and came home again later that day. However, the paramedic who responded brought his supervisor with him and has brought the social services into it to come and see if they can offer any OT help. I wait to hear what they have to suggest. No need for you to worry about it, just keeping you in the loop. Continue to enjoy the heat, it is still freezing here!

Val xx


  1. Oh God! Any movement on him considering moving?!!

  2. He has started looking at bungalows down here, but wont consider anything at this time of year.

  3. Quite sensible really, but what a bloody result!

  4. Well we're not there yet, but I detect movement - PLEASE!!!!x
